Department of NH American Legion Baseball

Minutes of January 19, 2008 Meeting

Hudson Post 48


Chairman Webster opened committee meeting for purpose of conducting business at 9:34.

In attendance:

Chairman Gary Webster

Vice Chairman Jay Hunnewell

Dist A Director Ron Lemay

Dist B Asst. Director Ed Keefe

Jr. Legion Director Rick Harvey

Dist A asst. Director Earl Beale

Trophies and Awards Jim Dupont

Public Relations Bob Wyman

Public Relations Don Holmquist

Protest Committee Dick Marshall

Department Commander Chuck Lewis

Department Vice Commander William Roy

Department Vice Commander George McCall

Department Adjutant John Zachodny


Chairman Webster called meeting to order at 10:00am.

Rick Harvey was introduced to the committee. Rick will function as Jr. Legion baseball Director from within the Department baseball committee. Rick provided the committee with a handout outlining the Jr. Legion Baseball tournament and regular season schedule. The proposed program was accepted with the understanding that some minor adjustments may need to be made if more teams sign up or if teams should withdraw.

Milford Jr. Legion baseball application for 2008 was accepted and placed on file. Plymouth Jr. Legion baseball informed committee it may be withdrawing from the 2008 season for lack of player procurement in that area.

Chairman Webster informed the Committee that Rochester will host the 2008 Department Tournament from August 1 to Aug 5. The committee is seeking bids for the 2009 State Tournament and would like to have a signed contract a year in advance. Posts interested in hosting State Tournament should contact Gary for particulars. Gary also informed the Committee of the Sweeney Post 2 of Manchester bid to host the 2009 Region one tournament at Gill Stadium.

Proposed rule change at the National level was discussed. At the National meetings in November a proposal to roster only players currently enrolled in High School was presented. This proposal was met with opposition from Region one and region two.

Adopted rule change for 2008 season was discussed. Coaches occupying coach boxes on the field must wear helmets. Helmets must be uniform and consistent with what the players are wearing for headgear matching either the baseball cap or batting helmet. Helmet need not be ÒflappedÓ. Helmet may be the John Olerud type. Umpires will be instructed to remove anyone from coaches boxes not complying with rule.

School enrollment issues were discussed. Jay will provide Department of Education (DOE) link to Rick Harvey for website. Teams may be allowed to go to the DOE linked site for school enrollment numbers. This system will keep the enrollment numbers consistent among form 1Õs. Team manager or Department authorized person will sign form 1 to verify enrollment number.

Details of our insurance policy with K&K insurance were discussed. Gary reminded the committee that the insurance is not a primary policy. It is a secondary policy in the event your primary policy fails in its coverage. John Zachodny added that members of the Department baseball committee are also covered under the insurance policy as well as the Department officers while in attendance at any of the games.

The annual scheduling meeting will be held March 2 9:00am at either Rochester or Hudson. Notification letters will be sent out when location is determined.

After general discussions concerning the good of the program the meeting was adjourned at 11:14am.




Jay Hunnewell