Department of NH American Legion Baseball

Minutes of October 18, 2008 Meeting

Hudson Post 48


Department Baseball Chairman Gary Webster called meeting to order at 10:03 am. The following committee members were in attendance, Chairman Gary Webster, Jay Hunnewell, Dick Marshall, Don Holmquist, Bob Wyman, Earl Beal, Tony Rabbia, Jim Dupont, Ron Lemay and Department vice Commanders George Everard and Dave Meaney. Also in attendance from Plaistow Post #34 were Post #34 Commander Mike Taylor, Mike Donovan and Rick McCully.


Plaistow presented their desire to enter into the baseball program for 2009. Plaistow would use Timberlane High School as their base school if awarded a franchise by the Baseball Committee.  Plaistow was given a packet containing all information needed to move forward. After a brief question and answer period representatives from Plaistow were allowed to leave.

Motion by Jim Dupont and second by Bob Wyman to award franchise to Plaistow Post #34 for 2009 season was approved unanimously.


Gary Webster provided committee with Keene Post 4 bid for 2009 State Tournament. Motion made by Jay Hunnewell and second by Bob Wyman to accept bid from Post 4 Keene to host 2009 State Tournament. Gary will finalize contract for Keene to sign. Keene bid to host 2009 Tournament was unanimously approved.


Gary informed committee of need to nominate and approve two umpires for 2009 Region 1 Tournament that hosted by Post #2 Sweeney of Manchester. Committee also will need to approve two umpire nominated by Post #2 for same Tournament. After discussion motion made by Tony Rabbia to accept Post # 2 nominees of Jim Hale and John Driscoll along with Department nominees Gary Noyes and Don Miccucci. Motion seconded by Jim Dupont. Gary will notify umpires and provide paperwork. Motion passed.


Jay Hunnewell discussed desire of many coaches to have Department use a scheduler to hire umpires for games. After discussion it was determined that the Department did not want to be responsible for the hiring of all umpires and if teams wished to use a scheduler they could. Gary also stated that the umpires will have a clinic so as to be consistent with the rules of Legion Baseball. Suggested pay for umpires will be discussed at March scheduling meeting.


Concord inquired about hosting the Legion World Series in 2011. Gary will provide Concord with host guidelines packet. NH will host 2011 Regional and is accepting bids. Fees associated with running a Regional Tournament are in excess of $15,000 and host must meet criteria established by National.


Chairman Webster informed committee of new registration process that National is working on. When National begins to use the online automated registration process NH will participate. National is working out some issues. When it is available NH will assist in pilot program through participation.


Department vice Commander George Everard from Rochester expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Dept. Baseball Committee. Gary stated that by his position as Department vice Commander he is on Committee. When committee positions open up George will be considered. Jay Hunnewell stated the committee is big enough as is and more help should be given to the Jr. Program as it continues to grow. Tony Rabbia made motion to grant Chairman Authority to remove members of the committee that have not been attending meetings and or State Tournament, Second Ron Lemay.  Ron suggested that Gary should notify and allow reply before removing current members from committee. Motion Passed.


Chairman Webster provided handouts to the committee with outlining the re-alignment of teams within the Department of NH Sr. Legion Baseball program. After discussion, motion made by Jay Hunnewell to accept realignment was made and second by Bob Wyman. Motion passed unanimously. The re-alignment structure will reduce number of games played for each team. Teams will play other team in their subdivision twice, one home game and one away game. Teams will play each team in the other subdivision of their District once. Teams will alternate home field from year to year. Two teams from each subdivision will advance to the State Tournament. The 2009 Department rule book language will be adjusted to accommodate re-alignment.

District A-1

Laconia Post #1
Sweeney Post #2
Concord Post #21
Plymouth Post #66
Manchester Post #79

District A-2

Portsmouth Post #6
Rochester Post #7
Dover Post #8
Exeter Post 32
Plaistow Post #34
Alton Post #72

District B-1

Nashua Post #3
Derry Post #9
Londonderry Post #27
Hudson Post #48
Salem Post #63

District B-2

Keene Post #4
Goffstown Post #16
Lebanon Post #22
Milford Post #23
Jutras Post #43

Chairman Webster announced the following dates for our information.

July 18 2009 will be the last day of the regular season.

July 24 2009 State Tournament begins at Keene

Aug 1 2009 All Star Classic at Gill Stadium in Manchester

Aug 6 2009 Region 1 Tournament at Gill Stadium in Manchester

Jr. Legion Tournament information will be announced at a later date. NH will host 2010 Jr. Regional.

With no further business to come before the committee, meeting adjourned at 11:47

Respectfully submitted

Jay Hunnewell