Department of NH American Legion Baseball
Minutes of January 10, 2009 Meeting
Hudson Post 48
Department Baseball Chairman Gary Webster called meeting to
order at 10:00 am. The following committee members were in attendance, Chairman
Gary Webster, Jay Hunnewell, Dick Marshall, Don Holmquist, Bob Wyman, Ed Keefe,
Tony Rabbia, Jim Dupont and Rick Harvey. Representing Department of NH American
Legion was Department Vice Chairman Dave Meaney
Chairman Webster brought before the committee the franchise
request for Bedford Post # 54. Bedford submitted the required registration form.
Motion made to accept Bedford franchise and place them in vacancy left by Merrimack
by Bob Wyman with second by Ed Keefe. Jay Hunnewell stated that BedfordÕs entry
into the program would impact Jutras Post 43. Members of the committee agreed that
there would be an impact to Jutras Post baseball. Jim Dupont noted that years ago
Bedford had a team and co existed with Jutras. It was also stated that Goffstown
had a team years ago but was likely not playing at the same time as Bedford. It
was also determined by the committee that Bedford met all the criteria to sponsor
a team in the program. Chairman Webster informed the committee that teams in the
Manchester area will be instructed to work together in the best interest of the
program so that more players may enjoy the privilege of playing Legion baseball.
After lengthy discussion the motion to accept Bedford was approved 7-1-1
(7 yeaÕs, 1 nay, 1 abstain).
District A-1
Laconia Post #1 |
Sweeney Post #2 |
Concord Post #21 |
Plymouth Post #66 |
Manchester Post #79 |
District A-2
Portsmouth Post #6 |
Rochester Post #7 |
Dover Post #8 |
Exeter Post 32 |
Plaistow Post #34 |
Alton Post #72 |
District B-1
Nashua Post #3 |
Derry Post #9 |
Londonderry Post #27 |
Hudson Post #48 |
Bedford Post #54 |
Salem Post #63 |
District B-2
Keene Post #4 |
Goffstown Post #16 |
Lebanon Post #22 |
Milford Post #23 |
Jutras Post #43 |
Discussion by Jay Hunnewell to establish a home and
away rotation for games played in other subdivision. Jay will establish
rotation for first year. Purpose of setting rotation is to have a balanced
travel schedule for all teams. Teams may mutually agree to alter home or
away site. Future travel rotation will be based on 2009 schedule.
District A crossover games:
Concord will play at Alton, Exeter and Portsmouth (Dover, Plaistow and Rochester at Concord)
Laconia will play at Dover, Plaistow and Rochester (Alton, Exeter and Portsmouth at Laconia)
Plymouth will play at Alton, Exeter and Portsmouth (Dover, Plaistow and Rochester at Plymouth)
Post 79 will play at Dover, Plaistow and Rochester (Alton, Exeter and Portsmouth at Post 79)
Sweeney will play at Alton Exeter and Portsmouth (Dover, Plaistow and Rochester at Sweeney)
District B crossover games:
Derry will play at Keene, Milford and Goffstown (Lebanon and Jutras at Derry)
Hudson will play at Lebanon and Jutras (Keene, Milford and Goffstown at Hudson)
Londonderry will play at Keene, Milford and Goffstown (Lebanon and Jutras at Londonderry)
Nashua will play at Lebanon and Jutras (Keene, Milford and Goffstown at Nashua)
Salem will play at Keene, Milford and Goffstown (Lebanon and Jutras at Salem)
Bedford at Lebanon and Jutras (Keene, Milford and Goffstown at Bedford)
Chairman Webster stated that Concord submitted a bid to
Host the American Legion World Series. After discussion it was determined that
the Concord facility does not meet the criteria established by National to host
a World Series. There are three sites that may meet World Series Criteria and
they are Fisher Cat Stadium, Gill Stadium and Holman Stadium.
Chairman Webster asked Supervisor of umpires to look
into an umpire clinic for our umpires. The committee agreed that the umpires
can help us to enforce some of the rule changes that have been implemented
over the past couple of years (uniforms, helmets etc.)
Chairman Webster also brought before the committee the
request for change of base school. Exeter has requested change from Exeter High
School to Phillips Exeter Academy. After discussion it was noted that there may
be a conflict with National Rules if request was approved. It was also stated
that there was no significant hardship to Exeter to deny request. Players attending
PEA are eligible play for Post #32. Motion made by Bob Wyman to deny Exeter request
for change of base school second by Tony Rabbia. Motion passed unanimously.
Jr Division Director Rick Harvey announced the withdrawal
of Concord Post 21 from participation in the 2009 Jr Legion Baseball program.
Rick stated that there was interest from Exeter. Jay Hunnewell noted that Goffstown
is working towards participation. Rick will contact Exeter and Goffstown and other
interested teams should contact Rick. Rick also informed the committee of his
meeting with American Defenders leadership in Nashua. The Defenders being a
military based baseball team seem interested in a relationship with American
Legion Baseball. The possibility of Legion games prior to Defenders games was
discussed and may be an opportunity for both leagues to benefit from.
Chairman Webster announced the following dates for our
July 18 2009 will be the last day of the regular season.
July 24 2009 State Tournament begins at Keene
Aug 1 2009 All Star Classic at Gill Stadium in Manchester
Aug 6 2009 Region 1 Tournament at Gill Stadium in Manchester
Jr. Legion Tournament information will be announced at a
later date. NH will host 2010 Jr. Regional.
With no further business to come before the committee,
meeting adjourned at 11:42
Respectfully submitted
Jay Hunnewell