NOVEMBER 16, 2014
Meeting called to order by Chairman Rick Harvey
at 9:45.
Chairman Harvey provided an overview of the
events leading up to the suspension of Post 79 from the program. Post 79
Commander Sam Coldwell spoke of the positive history of Post 79 baseball and
the willingness of the current leadership to work with the Dept. Baseball
Committee to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations. Post 79
Commander also stated that they have the necessary finances and the support of
the local community to field a baseball team with an all-new coaching staff. Russ
Spaulding and Ken Desjardins would provide the leadership and direction.
Chairman Harvey discussed communication violations and other rules violations
by Post 79. Post commander stated that the lack in sharing the critical
information at the Post level was cause of missed opportunities for Post 79 to
address the Baseball committee at prior meetings. Charlie LeVeille addressed
the board and after continued discussions it was mutually agree upon that Post
79 had served their punishment for rules infractions. The purpose of addressing
the Baseball Committee was for reinstatement into the baseball program.
Chairman Harvey thanked Post 79 commander, Russ Spaulding, Ken Desjardins
and Charlie LeVeille for addressing the committee. Correspondence to be
sent to Post 79 after the committee rules on franchise request.
After lengthy discussion about the affect of
adding another senior team in the program a motion made by Pete St. Pierre was
made to deny a senior franchise request and approve a junior franchise. The motion
was seconded by Steve Hernandez. The will of the committee is to have Post 79
reestablish their team within the junior program and evolve into the senior
program after a solid foundation has been re built. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Harvey stated that Frank Ulcickas with
Friends of Southern NH Youth Athletics would host the 2015 senior state tournament
at Holman Stadium in Nashua. Dates are July 24, 2015 to July 29, 2015. Gary
Webster will work on contract document. Motion made by Jay Hunnewell to accept
tournament request. A second was made by Steve Hernandez. Motion passed
Chairman Harvey indicated that no one has stepped
up to host the junior tournament. Gill stadium has been secured and if no one
volunteers to host tournament the baseball committee will run the tournament
the week following the senior tournament.
Chairman Harvey discussed a zone playoff system
for the junior program and will send out information to coaches for feedback.
Rick also informed the committee that we are
authorized to change the state tournament format for the senior program. A
double elimination bracket was reviewed and will be adopted for the 2015 senior
tournament. The junior program will
also adopt the same tournament format.
Chairman Harvey informed the committee that
National would allow departments to adjust waiver rule. A stricter waiver rule
will reduce confusion and simplify the administrative process. Motion made by
Jay Hunnewell to modify waiver rule to a one-time waiver for players age 16 and
over at the senior program only. A second was made by Gary Webster. Motion
passed unanimously. Players changing school or domicile will be permitted
another one time waiver in accordance with National rules.
Umpire fees and arbiter program was discussed.
Motion by Gary Webster to revert the mandatory minimum for juniors to $65.00
for juniors during regular season and tournaments and leave the mandatory
minimum at$80.00 for senior regular season games with the senior tournament
fees to be at the discretion of the umpire in chief and tournament chairman. The
tournament fees will be communicated to umpires prior to working the
tournament. Motion second and passed unanimously.
Chairman Harvey informed the committee that Post
2 had withdrawn its junior team from the program. Goffstown Post 16 and Hudson
Post 48 submitted a new team request form. A motion was made by Steve Hernandez to
award new team franchises in the junior program to Hudson and Goffstown. A second
was made by Don Holmquist. Motion passed with one no vote.
Chairman Harvey discussed the possibility of fine
system for coaches suspended for being ejected from games. After light
discussion Pete St Pierre moved to table this agenda item until the next
meeting. Motion second and passed.
The committee agreed that the make ups and
forfeits section of our state rule book needs better enforcement and that fines
may be a way to encourage teams to make up rainouts as directed within the rule
book. No action taken.
Steve Hernandez continues to develop the
background check system and hopes to finalize in January. A form #5 will be
used to add new coaches after final roster has been submitted. Teams will be
required to conduct background checks through the system taking minimizing the
burden on the baseball committee.
There was a discussion on minimum number of
players for a legion team to have on its roster. The spirit of rule to enforce
a minimum number of players rostered is to avoid games needing to be
rescheduled or forfeited due to lack of players. It is recommended that teams
roster at least 15 players especially when having dual rostered players.
Meeting adjourned 11:55
Respectfully, Legion
Baseball Vice-Chairman - Jay Hunnewell