Department of NH American Legion Baseball
Minutes of November 18, 2007 Meeting
Hudson Post 48
Chairman Webster opened committee meeting for purpose of conducting business at 9:34.
In attendance:
Chairman Gary Webster
Vice Chairman Jay Hunnewell
Dist A Director Ron Lemay
Trophies and Awards Jim Dupont
Supervisor of umpires Tony Rabbia
Dist A asst. Director Earl Beale
Public Relations Bob Wyman
Public Relations Don Holmquist
Protest Committee Dick Marshall
From Bedford American Legion Post requesting a Jr Legion Baseball franchise, Dave Costa and Owen Smith were in attendance. After brief discussion concerning the Jr program Dave and Owen removed themselves from the meeting.
Motion by Jay Hunnewell to accept Bedfords franchise request for entry into the Jr. Program. Motion seconded by Jim Dupont. Motion passed.
Chairman Webster discussed the National Americanism conference held in Indianapolis. Announcements/changes made in Indy include the following:
No screen printing of Legion baseball patches on team jerseys are permissible without approval from National Emblem Sales Director Jeff Brown. Teams not having approval for screen printing must have Legion Baseball patch fastened to uniform.
The Jr. Legion DH rule will be the same as the DH rule in Sr. Legion.
A drivers license in NH is not valid for proof of birth. Players must provide proper proof of age to participate.
Gary informed the Committee of Nashua Post 3 request to host the 2008 Department Baseball Tournament. Compliance from Post 3 officers seem to be slowing down the contract process. Chairman Webster and members of the committee agree that those obstacles can be overcome and a contract with confidence will be executed. In the event Nashua cannot sign contract in quick time, alternate tournament site in Rochester will be utilized.
Tony Rabbia made motion to accept Nashua bid for 2008 tournament in Nashua. Motion was second by Earl Beale. Discussion to have Rochester as alternate site was added to motion. Motion Passed.
Tony Rabbia made motion to start tournament on Friday was second by Earl Beale. After discussion , motion passed. Nashua to be notified of date changes through contract process.
Chairman Webster discussed the Jr. Program and the interest of Rick Harvey to help run the Jr. Program. After lengthy discussion Tony Rabbia moved to accept Rick Harvey as Director Jr. American Legion Baseball Department of NH. Motion seconded by Bob Wyman and was passed.
Rick Harvey also volunteered to maintain the Department Baseball website. After discussion a motion was made by Jim Dupont to have Rick maintain Department Baseball website from link to Department website upon approval from DEC. Motion was seconded by Ron Lemay. Motion passed
Motion made by Earl Beale to have any and all teams participating in the baseball program to be sponsored by an American Legion Post. Motion seconded from Tony. Discussion, outside sponsorship of Sr. American Legion teams in NH not permissible. All teams must be backed by a Post. Motion passed.
Discussion of Salem Post request for transfer from District A to District B. Salem Requesting transfer for geographical reasons. Motion made by Jay Hunnewell to shift Salem to District B from District A. Seconded by Jim Dupont. Discussion, Salem will move to District B with understanding that if a team from District A withdraws from 2008 season, Salem will move back to District A to balance the Districts. Motion with discussion amendment passed.
Supervisor of umpires Tony Rabbia motioned to raise suggested umpire fees for Sr. Legion umpires from $65.00 to $70.00 and Jr. Legion umpires from $50.00 to $55.00. Umpires that show up to work games that are not played due to forfeit or inclement weather will be compensated $30.00. Motion seconded by Jay Hunnewell. Motion passed.
After general discussions concerning the good of the program the meeting was adjourned at 11:27am.
Jay Hunnewell