Department of NH American Legion Baseball
Minutes of November 4, 2012 Meeting
Hudson Post 48
Meeting called to order by Chairman Webster at
Members present: Gary Webster, Jay Hunnewell, Rick Harvey,
Eddie Keefe, Jim Dupont, Bob Wyman, Don Holmquist, Averil Cate, Tony Rabbia
Gary discussed mandate from National organization
that Departments will be required to do criminal background checks on baseball
coaches. Gary will do checks on existing coaches utilizing an Internet program.
Chairman Webster informed the committee of the insurance
rates for participating teams. Also
we are listing the state and national fees. The senior program will pay the following seasonal fees: Accident
Insurance – $160.00, Liability Insurance – $145.00, Administrative
Fee – $10.00, State Fee – $50.00 and National Fee – $50.00
for a total of $415.00. The junior program will pay the following seasonal
fees: Accident Insurance – $140.00, Liability Insurance – $100.00,
Administrative Fee – $10.00, State Fee – $25.00 and National Fee –
$25.00 for a total of $300.00. Teams
not having insurance by the May 15th deadline will be fined $200 from National.
Had a Discussion about Legion teams playing Non
Legion baseball teams. After brief discussion it was determined that playing
non-Legion baseball programs should be discouraged. There are plenty of Legion
teams to schedule games with in an already short season.
Gary informed the committee that Milford and
Raymond would not participate in the senior baseball program in 2013. Alton has also dropped it senior team
and will now have a junior team only. District A and B will be realigned and
teams will play each team within their District twice. The top four teams in
each District will qualify for the State Tournament. District alignments will
be released at a later date.
Newmarket and Meredith were added to the junior program. Milford also
intends to re-enter a junior team next year. Junior re-alignment has taken place (see
our web page).
Gary noted that the Plymouth baseball team had
not completed their 2012 season and would be suspended from participation in
2013. After lengthy discussion about the Plymouth program not finishing their
season for three years in a row, a motion was made by Jay Hunnewell to fine the
Plymouth franchise $300 and impose a $300 security deposit upon reinstatement.
The $300 security deposit will be returned to Plymouth upon completion of the
season schedule in which they are reinstated. This motion was second by Rick Harvey
and passed unanimously. Gary will draft and send letter to Plymouth with
details and instructions for appeal process and reinstatement.
Chairman Webster provided committee members
with correspondence between Post 79 and National. Post 79 has repeatedly jumped
chain of command by reaching out to National without prior approval from
Department Chairman. Gary will
draft a letter and send to Post 79 commander. The committee agreed that we do
not want to hurt the kids by suspending the team from participation but some
form of disciplinary measure is needed.
Registration deadline for returning teams that
intend to participate in the 2013 baseball season is January 20th,
Gary is looking to secure Holman Stadium for
the Jr. Tournament. After some discussion, Averil Cate offered to look into
getting use of Memorial Field in Concord to host Jr. Tournament. Averil will
check with Concord Parks Department and communicate with Rick Harvey.
Chairman Webster provided correspondence from
The Mayor of Nashua and outgoing National Baseball program Director Jim
Rick Harvey discussed the waiver process and
how it is the parents that are the major cause of the problems with obtaining
the waivers. Rick suggested that the Manager/Coaches be the ones that ask for
and acquire waivers.
Rick also suggested that all tryout information
be submitted for posting on the baseball website. Having each teamÕs tryout
information may help with the waiver process as all players are required to
tryout prior to being released. Rick also suggested that players trying out be
required to fill out and sign a Form #2 at or before tryout date. Jay Hunnewell
made motion to require all players to sign a form #2 at or before tryouts.
Motion seconded by Ed Keefe. Motion passed unanimously. Having players sign
form #2 at tryout reduces risk to American Legion Baseball and eliminates the
need for coaches to get paperwork from players later.
Averil Cate asked about waivers for players
that wish to participate in other non-Legion Baseball sporting events. Waivers
should be dealt with on a team-by-team basis during the regular season.
Teamwork and commitment are core principles of the Legion Baseball program.
Players missing games during tournament play to participate in other sports may
be disqualified for the remainder of the tournament.
Umpire Steve Drescher has expressed interest in
helping out with recruiting, retaining and certifying the umpires. Gary will
keep us posted on any developments.
Bob Wyman will have Keene tournament information
after the local committee meets over the next few weeks.
Gary talked about GoffstownÕs
unsportsmanlike behavior at the championship game and will send a letter to
Kent Nolan Commander at Post #16, to address the issue with the senor team
With no further business to be brought before
the committee, the meeting adjourned 11:55am.
Respectfully, Jay Hunnewell - Department Vice-Chairman