Department of NH American Legion Baseball
Minutes of March 1, 2009 Meeting
Keene Post 4
Chairman Webster called meeting to order at 8:05am. The following committee members were in attendance, Gary Webster, Jay Hunnewell, Jim Dupont, Rick Harvey, Dick Marshall, Tony Rabbia, Bob Wyman and Ron Lemay. Representing Department of NH American Legion was Dept vice Commander George Everard and Parliamentarian Bill Roy. Excused were committeemen Earle Beale, Arthur Bernier, Don Holmquist and Ed Keefe. Minutes of the January 10 2009 meeting were read and accepted.
Gary informed committee that only 12 teams have registered. The remaining teams will be bringing entry forms with them to the scheduling meeting at 11:00am.
Chairman Webster noted that he will be looking to form a subcommittee to assist Jr. Baseball Director Rick Harvey with the Jr. Tournament being held at Gill Stadium in Manchester. There is an overlap in both the Sr. and Jr. Tournaments and coverage by the committee is needed at both sites.
Discussion about umpires led to the nomination of Charlie Driscoll for umpire in chief of the 2009 State Sr. Legion Baseball Tournament. The Committee approved nomination of Charlie and Gary will notify umpire Driscoll of his acceptance.
NH Legion umpire Gary Noyes was introduced to the committee and presented his dates to host umpire clinics. Gary Noyes stated the clinic should be made mandatory for all umpires wishing to umpire Legion baseball games. With clinics provided over two different weekends this goal should be accomplished. Tony Rabbia and Umpire Noyes will notify umpires of clinics to be held on April 26 and May 3 at a location to be announced. Location will likely be central to NH such as Concord or Manchester. Gary Noyes stated that the clinics are needed to refresh umpires of the rules adopted by Legion Baseball. Most umpire work High School games and Legion is different. Consistency among Legion umpires in the rules of Legion baseball is of concern and will be addressed.
Chairman Webster also reminded the Committee that school enrollment signatures were no longer needed on the Form #1. School enrollment figures are accessible online at the NH Department of Education website. This rule change was realized while attending National meetings in Indianapolis in November of 2008. The National rulebooks will be sent out to participating teams with the Department Schedule and Directory when it is completed. In the meantime the 2009 National Rule Book may be obtained online at the National Baseball website.
Gary discussed change from National that Regional sites will be required to host Tournament for two consecutive years. This change from National puts the 2011 Regional that was slated for NH back out to bid. NH was in rotation to host 2011 Regional. If NH chooses to bid for 2011 we would be required to also host 2012 Regional.
Bids for the 2010 Department Sr. Legion Tournament will be accepted up to completion of the State 2009 Tournament in Keene.
Gary Webster and Rick Harvey agreed that Holman Stadium in Nashua may be a potential site for 2010 State Jr. Legion Tournament and will inquire about that possibility.
Chairmen Webster discussed the importance of teams purchasing their insurance policy prior to having any workouts. There were three teams in 2008 that were exposed to liability because insurance was not purchased until the second week of June. Once online registration becomes reality teams will not be able to register until insurance has been purchased. Teams will be required to register by a deadline to be determined by Committee or Chairman.
Chairman Webster stated his desire to amend Department rulebook. The rule change would grant Chairman the authority to release players even if the team roster is not full. Motion made by Jim Dupont and second by Tony Rabbia to remove ŇThe roster is full andÓ from line a. and to remove line b. from rule II. 4.
New language in 2009 Department rule book will read:
1. A release can only be given jointly by the team Manager or Head Coach.
2. Teams intending to give a release must do so prior to June 25th. If a player tries out for a team and is cut, the player can tryout to the next nearest base school team will take place. See rule 4E transfer rule in National rulebook. The only way a player can be protected is to put him on the Roster. At the same time, if a player fails to try out, he cannot try out for the next nearest team without a waiver.
3. Players wishing to cross the State line(s) to play in another State must have written permission from both Department Chairmen prior to June 25th. Must use American Legion Baseball National Transfer Form #76.
4. The Department Chairman has the right to release a player to another team, if they will not release, provided the player has tried out for that team.
Motion passed and 2009 rule book will be changed. This change is specific to transfers and yearly review of Department rulebook is important.
Suggested fee for umpires will be adjusted to $70.00 for nine inning games and $55.00 for seven inning games. This is a suggested fee and teams may negotiate with umpires and pay them other than the suggested fee.
Chairmen Webster read a Thank You Letter from Owen Cook, last yearŐs recipient of a Department $500.00 scholarship. Owen thanked the American Legion for providing him with an opportunity to play baseball at a high level and wished the best for Rochester Post 7 baseball.
With no further business to come before the committee the meeting adjourned at 10:59.