Dept of NH American Legion Baseball
Spring Committee meeting 3/3/13
Hudson Post 48
Meeting called to order by Chairman Webster at 9:02
Members present:
Ken Maynard...................................Department Commander
Alan Bauman...................................Department Vice Commander
Ernest Henry...................................Department Vice Commander
Gerard Bernard...............................Department Vice Commander
Gary Webster..................................Committee Chairman
Rick Harvey......................................Jr. Legion Program Director
Jay Hunnewell.................................Committee Vice Chairman/Dist B Director
Gary Wayman..................................Assistant to Vice Chairman
Eddie Keefe......................................Assistant District B Director
James Dupont..................................Trophies and Awards
Tony Rabbia.....................................Supervisor of Umpires
Donald Holmquist............................Public relations
Ron Lemay......................................District A Director
Averill Cate......................................Department Baseball Committee
Peter St. Pierre................................Department Baseball Committee
Chairman Webster informed the committee that he has performed 128 background checks on Managers, Coaches and volunteers that are involved in the Department Baseball program. Over 128 background checks have been done and there were no kickbacks. Gary informed the committee that it is a tedious process and by doing it himself has save the Department almost $800. Eddie Keefe made a motion that the teams at the local level be responsible for cost associated with performing background checks beginning in 2014. Motion seconded by Tony Rabbia. The details of how to charge the teams for the background checks will be discussed after the National Baseball meetings in the fall as the National background requirements may change. Motion passed unanimously.
Gary informed the committee that other than the background check requirement, there were no significant rule changes made to the baseball program.
Chairman Webster discussed the opportunity to have an umpire sit on the committee in the future. The committee would benefit from having an umpire on the committee and will be discussed at the fall meeting.
Tony Rabbia made a motion that the suggested price for umpire fees be changed from $75.00 to $80.00 for Sr. Games and from $60.00 to $70.00 for Jr. Games. Motion Seconded by Rick Harvey. It was discussed that this was only a suggestion in the rule book and teams ultimately decide what to pay the umpires.
Chairman Webster informed the committee that he had correspondence from Nashua Legion Baseball Manager and coaches concerning Nashua Legion Baseball. The coaching staff is asking for assistance in finding an alternate sponsor. Gary sent inquiry to National asking if one Post could sponsor two teams. Steve Cloud at National headquarters informed Gary that one Post can sponsor more than one Baseball team at either the Jr. or Sr. level. A motion was made by Bob Wyman to allow Hudson Post 48 to sponsor the Jr. and Sr. teams in Nashua provided that the team not change established base school and that it function as a participant in the Department Baseball program as it has in the past. The motion was seconded by Tony Rabbia. The motion passed with two members abstaining from the vote.
Gary received a letter from Keene Post 4 of their withdrawal from hosting the 2013 Sr. Legion State Tournament. Committee member Bob Wyman explained that a communication breakdown between Post 4 and the Swamp Bats caused the field to be over booked and that the Swamp Bats have priority over Alumni Field. The deposit submitted by Keene to host the 2013 tournament will be retained by the committee and used if needed to offset costs associated with using an alternate tournament site.
Averill Cate offered to look into Concord to host the 2013 Sr. Legion Tournament. The Jr. Tournament is held one week after the Sr. tournament and Memorial field may be available. Averill will update Gary after checking with Concord about field availability. Averill is currently working out some details for the Jr. Legion Tourney in Concord. This will be the first year that the Jr. Tournament will be sponsored by an organization other than the Department Baseball committee. It was agreed that this was a positive step for the development of the Jr. Program.
Gary informed the committee that he received no responses from any of the correspondence he sent out after the season to Post 79 or Post 16.
Chairman Webster discussed the realignment of the Divisions and that top four teams from each District will qualify for the tournament. Discussion about playoff games was brought up in the event of ties for fourth place. A motion was made by Averill Cate to have a playoff game to determine fourth seed instead of using a tie breaker formula. Motion seconded by Jim Dupont. Motion passed 15-1.
Chairman Webster discussed the future of the Baseball program. The baseball program continues to provide an opportunity for the youth of NH to play baseball at a high level. This opportunity does not come without sacrifice from those serving on the committee. Gary stated he is constantly threatened with lawsuits for simply administering the rules established by National and at the Department level.
Committee members will be notified by mail or e-mail of the next meeting of the Baseball Committee.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:31. Motion passed.
Vice Chairman
Department of NH Baseball Committee
Jay Hunnewell